• AutorRedaktion Pagitsch
  • Veröffentlicht27.01.2020

Cooks cook for children of the SOS-Kinderdorf

As is well knwon, love goes thoruh the stomach. And if you cook with a lot of love, only good things can come out in the end. Renate Zierler, initiator of the charity project "Cooks cook for children" will visit different restaurants and chefs every month throughout Austria and conjure up culinary childhood memories on the plate together with local celebrities These meals will then remain on the menu until the end of the year benefit the SOS Kinderdorf.

The start of the SOS cooking campaign was hosted by Rupert Pagitsch, owner of the company Pagitsch and the restaurant Goldader - Alpine Kulinarik. Child frinedliness is generally very popular at Pagitsch.

Chef Ernst Skvarca created his childhood memories for the SOS Kinderdorf with a lot of love: chicken with kohlrabi vegetables and dumplings can now be found on the Goldader menu as the SOS Kinderdorf-dish. With every order a main part of the dish costs are donated to the SOS Kinderdorf.